My SITs Feature Day—Welcome!

That's me, Erin.

If this is your first time to my blog, then welcome! I’ve been hoping for this day since I first read about SITs in the New York Times almost a year ago. To have my blog be featured on their site is a huge honor, and it makes me feel like a true blogger.

Now, if you haven’t immediately gone to the “About the Author” page, you may be asking yourself—

Why a “book”?

The reason is simple: I never intended to start a blog. For years I had been thinking about writing down my words of advice for my daughter—something that she had once asked me to do. When confronted with a blank page, however, I suddenly didn’t know where to begin. Without belaboring the decision—something I have a tendency to do—I googled “creating a blog” and the next thing I knew, my blog “a Book for My Daughter” was born.

I’ve been thinking about how to describe it, and I think the only way to do it would be to say—

I tell stories.

Me and my children.

I tell stories about my life—my childhood, my young-adulthood while living in Istanbul, and my life since becoming a mother.  Each story is written as a lesson for my daughter—something for her to take with her as she grows up and must navigate the world around her on her own. Some are serious, like when she didn’t get into the dance company she had tried out for. Others are ridiculous, like when I was confronted by how truly odd my children actually are.

What I have found since starting this blog, however, is that these words of advice for my daughter are more than just that—they are words of advice for anyone who comes to my blog. Each story has resonated with others in a way that I could never have imagined. Each lesson is one that people have either experienced in their own lives, or it is one that just prompts them to stop and think.

Me and my husband.

The blog is divided into sections, each one focusing on a different area of my life. In “The Prologue,” you will find stories of my youth—from my feelings about my childhood homes to my fears on report-card day. In “Istanbul Life,” I tell the story of how I ended up in a country halfway around the world, along with how I met my husband. “My Advice” is a place to capture all of my words of wisdom from avoiding “mean girls” to loving yourself the way you are. Lastly, I have “A Chapter for My Son,” a place that seems to be getting more and more attention as he is growing up. And, if you are still looking for something read, check out “Best of the Book” for a sampling of my favorite posts.

I hope you will stay awhile and read a story or two—you won’t be disappointed.

Published by Erin Rehill

A few years ago, my then eight-year-old daughter told me that she wished I could write down all the things I told her so that she wouldn’t forget them when she got older. In that moment, my daughter gave me such a sense of validation, something I hadn’t really experienced in that way. As parents, we don’t often receive confirmation from our children that we are doing a good job, or that we even know what we are talking about. Since that time, I’ve started to pay more attention to the things I tell her, often thinking to myself “Will she remember this when she is older?” So, this is for her, my words of advice to be read, thought about, laughed at, and maybe even used, when she is older.

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    1. Thank you, Barb, especially for referring to it as a treasure. It’s even incredible to me that I have captured more than 50 “stories” in this last year!

  1. The truth is, you ARE writing the book for your daughter, and what a wonderful gift to her and all of us. You are a fabulous writer, and I look forward to reading more. Happy SITS day!

    1. Wow—I’m speechless (not an easy thing to do to me). Thank you so much for telling me that I am a fabulous writer—honestly. This world is still so new to me, and getting feedback like that makes me feel unbelievably happy. Thank you.

  2. I love how you’ve set your blog up in chapters and sections like a book. What a great thing to write all of this down for your children. They will appreciate it so much someday. Happy to see you featured on SITS today!

    1. It’s funny that you comment on that, I actually must give credit to Mel @MomComm for that. I had my blog critiqued by her over the summer, and she suggested that I think about how to incorporate the “book” idea into the rest of the blog. I’ll have to let her know that I made the change AND that you like it. 🙂 Thanks you!

  3. Happy happy SITS day! I hope you enjoy your day in the spotlight 🙂 What a wonderful idea to chronicle all of these things, not only for your children, but for you and your hubby as well. It’s great you can all reminisce over happy memories together now and in the future.

    Best wishes for a wonderful weekend.

  4. Congratulations on your SITS Day! I hope your day is filled with lots of comment love. What a wonderful thing you’re doing for your children. I’m sure they will cherish their book when they’re grown and have families of their own. Very cool!

    Peace. 😉

  5. I love your blog. I love the whole idea of writing a book for your daughter. This is something she’ll be able to cherish her whole life, and how great that she she’ll be able to refer back to it when she needs help or to have a good laugh.

    I’m glad you finally got your SITS day! Congrats.

  6. Congrats on being featured! I am just getting back into blogging and love to read what others have accomplished with their blog and how real they can be on them. You are a refreshing read and I look forward to checking in often. Have a wonderful weekend!

  7. Happy Sits Day! I LOVE this idea. I always say that “one day” I’m going to write things down for my kids. And yet, not a sentence is on paper or in their baby books! You have inspired me 🙂

  8. Happy belated SITS day – glad I came on over late to check you out!! I’m off to check out some more posts – and by the way, I love your book concept – how precious. I wish my mom had done one for me. I miss her and would have loved to read some of those things she used to say to me!

  9. So nice to meet you! Congratulations on your SITS day! I’ve taken a quick look around and I love the story of you meeting your husband on your first full day in Istanbul. Super romantic! And I love the lesson of letting the small things change your life. Off to read some more…

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